
Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Hogyan vásároljon Bitcoin a hitel / betéti kártyák, paypal, moneybookers [Hungarian]

Az egyik trükkös része Bitcoin ipar, hogyan lehet a kezét bitcoin. Ön talán már ismerik a nagy tőzsdék, mint a Mt. Gox és BTC-e, de ezek egyike sem kínál gyors módszerek vásárol BTC a hitelkártyával, vagy a Neteller / paypal / moneybookers számla.

A legtöbb alkalommal csak ajánlani banki átutalás, ami napokig. Az alábbiakban megtalálja a módszer a vásárlás bitcoin és a következő módszerek:

Hitel / Debit Cards
PayPal Express Checkout
Skrill (Moneybookers)

Ezen túlmenően, az kevesebb, mint 5 perc múlva kapok a Bitcoin után fizetett bankkártyával vagy a paypal / moneybookers számla.

Annyit kell tennie, a következő 5 lépésben:

Ugrás a
Virwox és regisztrálja a számla.
Add hozzá a fiókjába PayPal, vagy bármilyen más előnyben részesített módszer.
Vásárlás Second Life $ (SLL) az USD / EUR letétbe.
Vásárlás Bitcoin a Second Life-ban $ (SLL).
Végül küldje el Bitcoin a pénztárca.

Be kell, hogy menjen át Second Life Linden $ mert a közvetlen kereskedés USD / EURO a Bitcoin nem lehetséges a Virtual Exchange.

Nézze meg az alábbi videót, hogy hogyan lehet kapni Bitcoin PayPal vagy hitelkártyák

Comment acheter Bitcoins avec crédit / cartes de débit, PayPal, Moneybookers [French]

Une des parties difficiles de l'industrie bitcoin est de savoir comment mettre la main sur bitcoin. Vous êtes probablement déjà au courant à propos des échanges importants comme le Mt. Gox et BTC-e, mais aucun d'entre eux propose des méthodes rapides d'acheter BTC en utilisant votre carte de crédit ou votre Neteller / paypal / compte Moneybookers.

La plupart du temps ils ne proposent que des virements bancaires qui dureront pendant des jours. Ci-dessous vous pouvez trouver un moyen d'acheter des bitcoins avec l'une des méthodes suivantes:

Crédit / Débit
PayPal Express Checkout
Skrill (Moneybookers)

En outre, il prendra moins de 5 minutes avant d'obtenir vos bitcoins après que vous avez payé avec votre carte de crédit ou avec votre compte Paypal / Moneybookers.

Vous devez faire les 5 étapes suivantes:

Aller à
Virwox et enregistrer votre compte.
Ajouter des fonds sur votre compte via Paypal ou toute autre méthode préférée.
Acheter Second Life $ (SLL) avec l'USD / EUR déposé.
Acheter Bitcoin avec votre deuxième vie $ (SLL).
Enfin envoyer votre Bitcoin à votre portefeuille.

Vous devez passer par Second Life Linden dollars en raison des échanges directs de USD / EURO pour Bitcoin n'est pas possible en virtuel Exchange.

Regardez la vidéo ci-dessous pour voir comment vous pouvez acheter bitcoins avec des cartes de crédit ou paypal de

Une alternative à acheter et vendre des bitcoins en utilisant seulement votre compte en banque est d'utiliser le service fourni par

Cum sa cumperi bitcoin cu cardul, paypal sau moneybookers [Romanian]

Contrar aparentelor exista o metoda prin care poti cumpara BTC platind cu cardul, prin paypal sau prim Moneybookers si sa ai bitcoins in doar 5 minute, si anume folosind VirWox.

Pasi de urmat:

1. deschis cont la virwox
2. depus EUR/USD prin oricare metoda suportata (moneybookers, paypal, card, etc)
3. cumparat Second Life $ (SLL) pentru EUR/USD
4. cumparat BTC pentru SLL
5. retras BTC in portofelul local

Pasul 3 este important pentru ca virwox nu permite tranzactia directa din moneda standard in BTC.

Exemplu de tranzactie:

1. depus cu paypal 50 EUR
2. In contul de pe virwox ajung 47.95 EUR
3. cumparat 14,494.51 SLL de 47 de EUR (se pare ca form-ul nu accepta decat sume rotunde)
5. cumparat 0.5 BTC de 14,226.02 SLL

La final in cont am ramas cu:

0.5 BTC
.95 EUR
268 SLL

(la mt. gox 1 BTC = 83 EUR la momentul tranzactiei)

Vedeti tot procesul pe youtube

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

How to buy Bitcoins with credit/debit cards, paypal, moneybookers and so on

UPDATE January 2020:
VirWox will stop its operations in January 2020. Our recommendation is to use the German exchange

One of the tricky parts of bitcoin industry is how to get your hands on bitcoins. You are probably already aware about large exchanges like Mt. Gox and BTC-e, but none of these offers fast methods of buying BTC using your credit card or your neteller/paypal/moneybookers account.

Most of the times they only offer bank transfers which will last for days. Below you can find a method of buying bitcoins with any of the following methods:

Credit/Debit Cards
PayPal Express Checkout
Skrill (Moneybookers)

Furthermore it will take less than 5 minutes before getting your bitcoins after you paid with your credit card or with your paypal/moneybookers account.

You need to do the following 5 steps:

Go to Virwox and register your account.
Add funds to your account via PayPal or  any other preferred method.
Buy Second Life  $ (SLL) with the USD / EUR deposited.
Buy Bitcoin with your second Life $ (SLL).
Finally send your Bitcoin to your wallet.

You need to go through Second Life Linden $ because direct trading from USD / EURO to Bitcoin is not possible in Virtual Exchange.

Watch the below video to see how you can buy bitcoins with paypal or credit cards from Virwox.

An alternative to buy and sell bitcoins using only your bank account is to use the service provided by

Friday, 7 June 2013

Bitcoin live casino

Casinobit is the first operator that provides live-dealer casino games and accept bitcoins as payment method. The video feed come from the VueTec provider. VueTec is a leading online casino gaming software developer and operator and is also a provider for regulated online casino DublinBet.

The video and results feed itself, originates from Fitzwilliam Casino and Card Club in Dublin, Ireland.

In order to play some roulette with your bitcoins at Casinobit you don't need to create an account, just use the relevant address for your bet and send your bitcoins there. In case your bet wins you will get your bitcoins back on the same address.  

The minimum bet on live-casino table is 0.001 BTC and combining this with the fast transaction times, you can have a great time playing some live dealer roulette with your bitcoins.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Bitcoin sportsbook for US market

Bitbook is a bitcoin sportsbook that specifically target the US market. You can wager your bitcoins on both Straights and Parlays and the selection of odds include events from: Baseball, Basketball, Football (the American one), Golf, Hockey, but also odds from MMA, Rugby League, Soccer or Tennis.

Bitcoin bookmaker operations are way harder to run (compared to casino, dice, poker and other bitcoin gambling websites), so it's much harder to find a decent website that is in the same time trustworthy, offer good odds and also have large volumes to be able to take your bitcoin bets.

Although the odds are being shown in both European (decimal) and US styles, the odds table layout and the way the data is presented makes Bitbook a website for US bitcoin sport bettors.

The regular US punter can bet his bitcoins for values that are close to good offers from well known standard sports betting websites like Pinnacle.

The minimum value of a bet is 0.01 BTC and the deposits and withdraws are processed in a matter of minutes giving the bettor the highest anonymity one can get when betting online.

This bookmaker received good reviews on the bitcointalk forum and the fact that guys working for it are active members of the largest bitcoin community makes Bitbook a safe place to wager your bitcoin online on various sports events.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Bitcoin casino fully in flash

If I've presented a bitcoin casino that offers HTML5 games (check it out here) this article will present you a full flash based bitcoin casino website. offers both a large selection of casino games like BACCARAT, BLACKJACK, CARIBBEAN POKER, DRAW HI/L0, MIT RIDE PAIGOW, REDDOG, THREE CARD POKER, FIVE CARD POKER, CRAPS, ROULETTE, SLOTS, but also a poker room, where you can test your skills against other poker players for a few bitcoins. also advertise that they accept various other methods of payments beside bitcoins like Liberty Reserve, WebMoney, Western Union and so on. This is something to be checked, so if you had any successful transactions with these methods on let me know in a comment to this post.

The slots game looks really nice for a bitcoin based casino (check the below printscreen) and it allows you to play multiple lines for each spin, just like in classic online casinos.

As a final conclusion the poker room does not seem to be highly populated with players at the moment, but the casino games from definitely worth a shoot for the addicted bitcoin casino player.