
Saturday, 20 December 2014

Как продать Bitcoin и уйти в PayPal, Skrill, Neteller или кредитной карты

Update January 2020:
VirWox will stop its operations in January 2020. Our recommendation is to use the exchange Kraken
Есть ли у вас какие-то Bitcoins, что вы хотите продать, а затем получить деньги быстро PayPal, Skrill, Neteller или непосредственно на карту?Самым простым решением является использование услуг от Virwox.

Virwox является очень хорошо известным и надежным рынком для SLL (Second Life Linden Dollars), которые также поддерживают БТД в настоящее время.

Для того, чтобы продать свой Bitcoins и получить свои деньги, чтобы ваши Paypal, Skrill, Neteller или CreditCard карточные счета вы должны следовать приведенным ниже инструкциям:

1. Перейти к Virwox и зарегистрировать свой аккаунт

2. Перейдите в раздел вкладов и выбрать вкладывайте Bitcoins в вашей учетной записи. Обратите внимание, что Bitcoin является единственным методом, который имеет нулевые платы!

3. Продать Ваш Bitcoins для SLL

4. Купить EUR / USD с помощью SLL

5. Перейдите вывести раздел и выберите предпочтительный отозвать метод

Вы должны пройти через Second Life Linden $, потому что прямой торговый от USD / ЕВРО в Bitcoin не представляется возможным в виртуальной бирже.

Обратите внимание, что вы также можете использовать
Virwox купить BTC, используя любой из ниже методов, как было описано здесь:

Кредитные / дебетовые карты

PayPal Экспресс заказ




Skrill (Moneybookers)


Как купить Bitcoin и уйти в PayPal, Skrill, Neteller или кредитной карты

Update January 2020: 
VirWox will stop its operations in January 2020. Our recommendation is to use the exchange Kraken
Одним из сложных частей Bitcoin промышленности, как получить ваши руки на Bitcoins. Вы, наверное, уже в курсе о больших биржах, таких как Mt. GOx и BTC-е, но ни один из этих предложений быстрых методов покупки БТД с помощью кредитной карты или ваши Neteller / PayPal / Moneybookers счет.

В большинстве случаев они предлагают только банковские переводы, которые будут длиться в течение нескольких дней. Ниже вы можете найти способ покупки Bitcoins с любым из следующих способов:

Кредитные / дебетовые карты

PayPal Экспресс заказ




Skrill (Moneybookers)


Кроме того, она будет меньше, чем 5 минут, прежде чем ваши Bitcoins после вы заплатили с вашей кредитной карты или с PayPal / Moneybookers счет.

Вы должны сделать следующие 5 шагов:

Перейти к
Virwox и зарегистрировать свой аккаунт.

Пополнить счет с помощью PayPal или любого другого предпочтительного метода.

Купить Second Life $ (SLL) с USD / EUR на хранение.

Купить Bitcoin с вашей второй жизни $ (SLL).

Наконец отправить Bitcoin на ваш кошелек.

Вы должны пройти через Second Life Linden $, потому что прямой торговый от USD / ЕВРО в Bitcoin не представляется возможным в виртуальной бирже.

Смотреть видео ниже, чтобы увидеть, как вы можете купить Bitcoins с PayPal или кредитной карты от

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Bitcoin Trading - La tua lista di controllo per l'acquisto e la vendita

Update January 2020: 
VirWox will stop its operations in January 2020. Our recommendation is to use the exchange Kraken

Bitcoin è il sistema più sicuro fioritura che permette di fare trading di valuta anonimo. È interessante notare , nessuno saprà sulle transazioni , le informazioni personali fornite e importo del pagamento fatta da voi o altri dettagli , che comprende i dettagli del mittente e del destinatario . Ad oggi , ci sono 10.710.000 utenti , che ammontano a 207,929 milioni di dollari vale la pena !Il BTC aveva tenuto dentro " portafoglio digitale ", che possono essere salvati sul PC o su un sito online , che deve proteggere il vostro portafoglio , mediante la gestione per voi . Un individuo può avere più portafogli digitali e gli indirizzi per fare trading come e quando necessario .Così, diventa ora necessario garantire alcune misure prima di iniziare a scambi . Questo dovrebbe essere trattato con la massima cura ad esempio , come trattiamo il nostro portafoglio personale o anche di più !Mantenete il vostro portafoglio sicuro!Come il personale , il nostro portafoglio digitale troppo bisogno di essere protetto. Il più importante è quello di ottenere registrato con qualsiasi società internazionale di portafoglio digitale che accetta Bitcoin , ad es . Coinbase , MtGox , VirWoX .VirWoX permette di fare trading BTC ovunque e addirittura si avverte mantenere il controllo . Con grandi caratteristiche provengono problemi di sicurezza maggiori , quindi può garantire la sicurezza di alto livello , se usato correttamente . E 'necessario ricordare che è il proprio dovere di abituarsi alle buone pratiche , al fine di proteggere i vostri soldi .I pagamenti non possono essere invertiti !Tutte le transazioni effettuate in BTC sono irreversibili , ma rimborserà solo dalla persona che riceve i fondi. Ciò significa che è necessario essere molto attenti , mentre facendo una transazione con chiunque , che si tratti di individui o qualsiasi organizzazione .

Le transazioni non sono anonimiNon ogni dettaglio è nascosto per gli operatori BTC , le operazioni sono disponibili su una rete aperta . Le persone possono visualizzare i trasferimenti e l'equilibrio di ogni individuo . Tuttavia, l'identità di qualsiasi indirizzo dell'utente rimane sconosciuto fino a quando l'informazione è celato in tutto appalto o in qualsiasi altra situazione diversa .Bitcoin Trading facile con varie modalità di pagamentoVarie modalità di pagamento come bonifici bancari , carte di credito e carte di debito utilizzando Skrill o Moneybookers , PayPal , NETELLER , paysafecard , e altri modi possono essere usati dai commercianti . Molte aziende internazionali come bitstamp , Coinbase , MtGox ,
VirWoX accettano tutte le diverse modalità di pagamento per l'acquisto e la vendita .Transazioni sicure ed istantaneaI trasferimenti possono essere effettuati entro 10 minuti con modalità protetta quando è fatto con aziende di fiducia . Tuttavia, può essere dannoso in quanto vi sono possono essere mediatori e trucchi disponibili sul mercato che può ingannare in qualsiasi momento . Per importi superiori , come 2000US $ , sarebbe abbastanza intelligente per frequentare per almeno sei conferme o anche di più . Ogni singolo conferma riduce in modo esponenziale la possibilità di una negoziazione invertito .BTC dovrebbe essere una moneta nuovo esperimento basato che è in fase di sviluppo attivo . Tuttavia, può risultare meno sperimentale con il suo altro utilizzo. Si può essere in un pensiero che è solo un'altra nuova invenzione per esplorare il mercato soldi con nuove idee. Come tale, non possiamo chiarire eventuali previsioni future , in modo da continuare la sua attività !
Vedi qui come potete comprare o vendere bitcoin con
VirWoX .

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Achat et vente de Bitcoin fait facile!

Update January 2020: 
VirWox will stop its operations in January 2020. Our recommendation is to use the exchange Kraken

Bitcoin industrie , ces jours-ci se trouve dans les nouvelles partout comme il existe en ligne . Il peut être facilement généré , échangé et utilisé pour acheter des choses sur une transaction en ligne , qui ne peut être cotée . Son protocole n'est pas seulement à propos de l'échange d'argent entre deux personnes . Il a des caractéristiques différentes , ce qui ouvre de nombreuses autres possibilités . Nous avons étudié et compilé quelques technologies qui travaillent actuellement et d'autres à venir dans un avenir proche , qui rendre les échanges plus simple . Revoyons ensemble :Sécurisation vous contre la fraudeDe nombreuses entreprises comme Coinbase , MtGox , VirWoX ont des réseaux spéciaux distincts qui offrent aux utilisateurs un contrôle et une protection contre la plupart des fraudes évidentes comme celle de charges indésirables spécifiques . Les utilisateurs ont la possibilité de sauvegarder et crypter leurs portefeuilles , ce serait juste difficile pour quiconque de voler de l'argent ou de faire toute fraude .Aura internationaleTous les transferts effectués à travers le monde peuvent entièrement être interprétés . Aujourd'hui, les entreprises internationales de la CTB comme Coinbase , MtGox ,VirWoX  permettent entreprise ou un particulier pour acheter et vendre Bitcoin à tout moment , n'importe où sans avoir un compte spécifique de la Banque en toute sécurité . Il a été négocié dans le monde qui à son tour contribue à augmenter la portée mondiale de commerce et contribue à l'épanouissement du commerce international .Il est RentableAvec l'utilisation optimale de la cryptographie , la sécurité des transactions sont possibles aujourd'hui. Elles sont moins chères et ont traité rapidement , car ils ont différents modes de paiement , qui font le commerce sans tracas .Dons , conseils, des causes socialesCela ne concerne pas seulement deux personnes , mais sert également les entreprises et les pays du monde. Il a été une solution efficace pour obtenir des conseils et des dons récemment. Avec un simple clic , vous pouvez envoyer des paiements et de recevoir des dons en toute simplicité. Ces dons peuvent être consultées par le public , ce qui donne finalement une vue transparente pour tous les organismes sans but lucratif . Il contribue également à des situations d'urgence comme les catastrophes naturelles et autres sources de financement .Financement de la fouleUne tâche difficile si , mais les campagnes de financement de la foule sont un des moyens pour Bitcoinbe prises d'eux que , si une quantité suffisante de promesses sont reçues pour atteindre l'objectif . Ainsi, il aide à prévenir une mauvaise affaire doit avoir lieu , si toutes les conditions sont remplies cela même être annulée .micro TransactionsOn peut faire des micro-paiements par petites quantités facilement , il n'y a pas de restrictions sur le montant des paiements que vous faites.La résolution des conflits par le biais de multiples signaturesCeux-ci permettent d'accepter ou de rejeter les transferts en cas de désaccord entre les parties , un seul des groupes de personnes qui sont inscrits ayant le compte de la signature, d'accord ensemble pour la même chose. Cela aidera aussi les banques pour garantir les paiements en cas de fraude ou de duplication .La transparence flexibilitéIl a su que ces transactions sont ouvert au public , mais l'identité de l' acheteur et le vendeur derrière le commerce est fixé . Cela permet à chacun de travailler dans la transparence et la flexibilité en même temps . Cependant, ce n'est sous l'entière discrétion de l'individu ou de l'entreprise , qu'ils veulent le rendre privé ou de révéler ses informations comme les dons reçus etcLe marché Bitcoin est en croissance rapide , mais il n'a pas accepté dans de nombreux pays cependant. Donc, être en contact aussi , vous ne pouvez jamais savoir , mais la transaction BTC peut arriver l'instant d'après .Voir ici comment vous pouvez acheter ou vendre des Bitcoins en utilisant VirWoX .

Monday, 17 February 2014

Buying and Selling Bitcoin made Easy!

Update January 2020: 
VirWox will stop its operations in January 2020. Our recommendation is to use the exchange Kraken

Bitcoin industry, these days lies in the news everywhere as it exists online. It can be easily generated, traded and utilized to buy things over any online transaction, which cannot be traded publicly. Its protocol is not just about the exchange of money between two people. It has various features, which opens many further possibilities. We have researched and compiled some currently working technologies and some to come up in the near future, which shall make trading simpler. Let us review it together:

Securing yourself against fraud

Many companies like Coinbase, MtGox, VirWoX have separate special networks which offer users with specific control and protection against most obvious frauds like that of unwanted charges. Users have the chance to backup and encrypt their wallets, this would make it just difficult for anyone to steal money or do any fraud.

Worldwide Reach

All transfers made across the globe can fully be interpreted. Today, international BTC companies like Coinbase, MtGox,VirWoX  allow business or individual to safely buy and sell Bitcoin anytime, anywhere without having a specific Bank account. It has traded worldwide which in turn helps in increasing global reach to commerce and helps to flourish international trade.
It is Cost efficient
With the optimum use of cryptography, safe transactions are possible today. These are cheaper and have processed quickly, as they have various payment modes, which make trading hassle free.

Donations, Tips, Social causes

This does not only involve two people but also serves businesses and countries worldwide. It has been an efficient solution for tips and donations recently. With a single click, you can send payments and receive donations with ease. These donations are visible for the public, which ultimately gives a transparent view for all the nonprofit organizations. It also aids in emergencies like Natural Disaster and other funding.

Crowd funding

A difficult task though, but crowd funding campaigns are one of the means for Bitcoinbe taken from them only, if sufficient amount of pledges are received to fulfill the target. Thus, it helps in preventing a wrong deal to take place; if not all the conditions are fulfilled this would even be cancelled.

Micro Transactions

One can make micro payments through smaller amounts easily; there are no restrictions on the amount of payments you do.

Conflict resolution through multiple signatures

These help to accept or reject transfers in case of disagreements between parties, only one of the groups of people who are registered having the signature account, agree together for the same. This will also help banks to secure payments in case of any fraud or duplication.

Creating transparency with Flexibility

It has known that these transactions are open to public, but the identity of the buyer and seller behind the trade is secured. This helps everyone to work with transparency and flexibility at the same time. However, this is under the complete discretion of the individual or business, whether they want to make it private or reveal its information like donations received etc.
The Bitcoin market is rapidly growing; however, it has not accepted in many countries though. So be in touch as, you may never know, but BTC transaction may happen the next moment.

See here how you can buy or sell bitcoins using VirWoX.

Bitcoin Trading – Your checklist for buying and selling

Bitcoin is the blooming safest system that enables to do anonymous currency trading. Interestingly, no one will know about the transactions, personal information provided and amount of payment made by you or any other details, which includes the details of the sender and receiver. As of today, there are 10.71 million users, which amount to 207.929 million USD worth!
The BTC had kept inside “digital wallet” that can be saved on the PC’s, or on an online website, which shall secure your wallet by managing it for you. An individual can have multiple digital wallets and addresses to do trading as and when needed.

Thus, it now becomes necessary to ensure some measures before starting to trade. This should be treated with utmost care such, as we treat our personal wallet or even more!

Keep your Wallet Safe!

Like the personal, our digital wallet too needs to be secure. Most important is to get registered with any international digital wallet company that accepts Bitcoins, eg. Coinbase, MtGox,VirWoX .

VirWoX allows one to do BTC trading anywhere and even warns you to keep in control. With great features comes greater security issues, thus it can provide high-level security if used properly. It is necessary to remember that it is your own duty to get accustomed to good practices in order to protect your money.

Payments cannot be reversed!
Any transactions made in BTC are irreversible; they will refund only by the person receiving the funds. That means you need to be very careful while doing any transaction with anyone, be it individuals or any organizations.
Transactions are not anonymous

Not every detail is hidden for BTC traders; the transactions are available on an open network. People can view the transfers and balance of any individual. However, the identity of any user address remains unknown until the information is unconcealed throughout procurement or in any other different situation.

Bitcoin Trading made easy with various payment modes

Various payment modes like Bank Transfers, Credit cards and Debit Cards using Skrill or Moneybookers, PayPal, NETELLER, paysafecard, and others modes can be used by traders. Many international companies like bitstamp, Coinbase, MtGox, VirWoX accept all the different modes of payments for buying and selling.

Secure and Instant Transactions

The transfers can be done within 10 min with secure mode when done with trusted companies. However, it can be harmful as there are can be mediators and cheats available the market who can dupe you anytime. For larger amounts like 2000US$, it would be pretty smart to attend for at least six confirmations or even more. Every single confirmation exponentially minimizes the chance of a reversed dealing.

BTC ought to be an experiment based new currency that is in active development. However, it may turn out to be less experimental with its more usage. One can be in a thought that it is just another new invention to explore the money market with new ideas. As such, we cannot elucidate any future predictions, so continue trading!

See here how you can buy or sell bitcoins using VirWoX.

To understand Bitcoins and BTC Exchanges closely!

Update January 2020: 
VirWox will stop its operations in January 2020. Our recommendation is to use the exchange Kraken

Bitcoin, the digital currency, is a little bit of an economic curiosity. Unlike gold, it has no intrinsic price. In contrast to a currency issued by a country, it’s worth has not stricken by GDP, inflation, interest rates or the other typical political economic indicator. Therefore, what provides Bitcoin worth, and what is behind it unbelievable worth volatility? Let’s go deeper to it, understanding its demand in central to analyzing the exchanges and trading.

Digital currencies have returned an extended approach and though still niche, illiquid markets, their evolution continues at a speedy rate. Prior to the discharge of Bitcoin there have been a variety of precursor ecash technologies beginning with the establishment based ecash protocols. After a couple of years, new competitors with new takes accompanied them on crypo- currency. This is the first Cryptocurrency, a kind of cash that uses cryptography to regulate its creation and management, instead of counting on central authorities.

Bitcoins for BTC Exchange

The easiest half to know is that the Bitcoin system operates as a peer-to-peer network without centralized servers. Supply and demand creates a marketplace for it as per a standard economic system. There is no central authority supply cash, and there are not any monetary rules providing any form of protection to those using or trading with this system. The system is meant to "drip in" new currency on regular intervals to mimic the conventional action of the economic process at intervals a standard medium of exchange.

Today many firms have determined to coordinate directly with payment suppliers to permit users to shop for and sell bitcoins. Firms like Coinbase, Kipochi, Danske Bit coin, Bitstamp, MtGox CampBX, VirWoX facilitate people to shop for and sell it virtually. Among the above mentioned firms VirWoX is among the independent BTC exchange, for virtual currency trading, abundant quicker than alternative firms like MtGox, BTC-e, Bitstamp.

The currencies involved in trading are Linden dollars. VirWoX introduced to accept Bitcoin in April 2011, where this can also be traded for Linden dollars. These can later be convertible to GBP, CHF, EUR, USD and therefore the alternative virtual currencies traded on it.

Payment ways used at VirWoX (deposit and withdrawal) embody:
Bank transfers
Credit cards/Debit Cards via Skrill/Moneybookers

How it works at VirWoX?

VirWoX is a well renowned and reliable marketplace for SLL (Second Life Linden Dollars) that additionally support BTC presently. Buying and selling with them is incredibly simple, you only got to follow some easy steps. So, just register online with them and follow the required steps out there for buying and selling.
In recent days the web and technology would possibly represent the largest threat to state enforced cash systems, but as of yet we have not seen the great disruption, any hope for. However, we have seen monumental progress and evolution in digital cash that is been continued by immense inflows of working capital, development skills and computing power. Bitcoin breaking the $200 mark can act as a point for crypto-currency evangelists and a key step this currencies maturation.
It is still very early days in this great enactment disruption. At this point very little quite $2 billion makes up its market cap, whereas the other major crypto-currencies have market caps in the millions.
We cannot, however recognize if being ‘of nature’ is gold’s greatest strength here, once digitized. We additionally cannot recognize if crypto-currencies’ superior quality over gold could be a trump, or whether being ‘of man’ poses a problematic vulnerability.

See here how you can buy or sell bitcoins using VirWoX.